Total Compensation Calculator
Create Winning Job Offers by Leveraging Stock Options
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Share a slice of company financial pie with your team. I’m watching you.

What’s Compensation Calculator
A free tool for startup founders and HRs designed to effortlessly balance salary and stock options, helping attract top talent and negotiate pay.

Make Job Offers
Whip up a job offer with three different scenarios - each one showing a different mix of salary and stock options. It's all about finding the balance that works best for both sides of the deal.
Show Future Value
The calculator shows what those shares could be worth in the future if your startup’s value goes up. It’s a great way to show potential team members what they stand to gain.

Share the Offer
Once you've got your offer all set, you can easily share it with the candidate. It's clear, it's transparent, and it's a cinch to understand.
How it Works
option pool
option pool
job compensation
job compensation
sharable job offer
sharable job offer